Fruit Skewers with Balsamic Drizzle-The Little Shop of Olive Oils

Fruit Skewers with Balsamic Drizzle


  • Assortment of your favorite fruit: Strawberries, blueberries, figs, peaches, melon, grapes, etc.
  • We don’t recommend bananas if you're making them ahead of time because they will brown. Apples and pears can be used if after cutting, the fruit is soaked in a bowl in a mixture of lemon and water.  This will prevent browning. 
  • Assortment of sweet, fruity, balsamic vinegar. Ex: Strawberry Dark BalsamicPeach White BalsamicCara Cara Orange Vanilla White BalsamicEspresso Dark Balsamic. The sky's the limit! 
  • Wooden skewers


  • Skewer your fruit, alternating fruit
  • Place them flat on a platter, or for a more decorative display, cut a watermelon in half and place it cut side down on a platter.  Poke skewers evenly around the melon for a fun display. 
  • Set out your assortment of balsamic vinegars. Our small 60ml size is perfect for this! Scale the amount of balsamic needed for your number of guests!
  • Incredibly refreshing, light and a great dessert for young and old.


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